Dennis Kennedy’s top lesson learned from 2024 is right on target:

Oh my god, there are so many legal AI experts everywhere. There’s a lot of talk, a lot of people claim that they’re experts. I saw that Stanford is doing a conference in a couple months about best practices in Generative AI. It’s been around a year. It’s like the best practice would be don’t play with matches and burn the house down. What do we know at this point? The lesson always with legal tech is to have sort of an experimental approach, a humble approach, and don’t think that you know everything from the beginning, but just try to learn it. And especially if something as significant as generative AI seems to be, I think we should spend a little less time saying that we were experts a little more time just rolling up our sleeves and doing some experiments. [Lightly edited version of Kennedy Mighell podcast.]

Yep. Way too many lawyers are forgetting that “A man’s gotta know his limitations.”

Magnum Force, 1973.