My article AI and the Organized Bar: Lessons from the eLawyering Project is now available at
Thanks to the insightful and indefatigable Carolyn Elefant for publicizing one tip I will include in a followup article:
Don’t allow regulation of AI for the purpose of grinding down people who already have nothing.
Artificial Intelligence
Ben Schorr’s AI Vocabulary Primer
Ben Schorr is a treasure for Microsofties. His job is making life easier for those using Microsoft products, and he is very good at his job. His recent LinkedIn post publicized an MS news item, a List of 10 AI Terms Everyone Should Know.
Cocktail party experts are a dime a dozen, but lots…
Executive Order on AI: Scientific American Summary
Scientific American has a good summary of what the Biden Executive Order says–and doesn’t say. Their bottom line:
…Finally, the executive order on its own is insufficient for tackling all the problems posed by advancing AI. Executive orders are inherently limited in their power and can be easily reversed. Even the order itself calls on
AI vs. Copyright Laws
NPR is reporting that the NY Times is considering legal action against Open AI, the maker of ChatGPT:
For weeks, the Times and the maker of ChatGPT have been locked in tense negotiations over reaching a licensing deal in which OpenAI would pay the Times for incorporating its stories in the tech company’s AI
Impact of AI on Lawyers: Leading Indicators
How can you know whether AI is real or hype? One of the best ways is to look for leading indicators:
Who is interested in AI? When you see top pros that you respect taking AI seriously it’s a pretty good sign that you also should take it seriously.
Joan Feldman, for example. Her…
Richard Susskind on AI
Best analysis I’ve seen on the impact of AI on the practice of law. A key quote:
[M]ost of the short-term claims being made about its impact on lawyers and the courts hugely overstate its likely impact. More significantly, I think that most of the long-term claims hugely understate its impact.
Read the rest…
EU Puts Toe In Water of AI Regulation
Kevin O’Keefe: “Few in the States seems prepared to regulate AI.”
Kevin has a rare gift for understatement.
At least the EU is trying, but I am under impressed by what they have come up with so far. No EU policy will or even could do for AI what Diamond v. Chakrabarty did…
Kevin O’Keefe Is All Over AI
Lou is here.
One of the best ways to gauge the significance of something is to watch who is interested. Greg Siskind is all over AI. Kevin O’Keefe is heavily invested in AI. When heavy hitters with a track record of leadership are wrapped up in exploiting a new technology, it’s real.
Lou is…
AI vs. Internet?
“There was music in the cafes at night, there was revolution in the air.”
— Bob Dylan, Tangled Up In Blue
Suffolk University Law School Dean Andrew Perlman thinks the effect of AI on lawyers will be much bigger than the effect of the Internet. The Internet didn’t fundamentally change the way lawyers
New AI-Focused Blog from Julie Bays
Julie Bays‘ new AI-focused blog looks promising. Suggestions possibly relevant to other new bloggers:
- Delete the subhead “Julie’s Blog.” As someone who occasionally has a good idea explained back in the day, “The large number of bad blogs leads many to write off blogs as toys, not tools for lawyers.” Labeling your