With LinkedIn increasing its user numbers dramatically in recent years, understanding the platform is a key to social media success. The Meet Edgar blog has some great ideas about improving your number of LinkedIn Impressions.
Two of their better ideas:
Post Regularly
Consistency is key with any social media platform. If you want to be part of the conversations happening in your industry, then post regularly. When you post regularly and not randomly, the algorithm works in your favor.
Regular, informative posts help to develop your authority on a topic. Slowly, this will help widen your reach and get more people not only seeing your content but engaging with it too.
Keep in mind, though, that quality is more important than quantity. Don’t post useless content just for the sake of sharing something that day.
Batch schedule your posts to save you time and make sure you’re sharing valuable updates and not slapdash, last-minute content you haven’t thought through.
Social media is supposed to be social! So don’t post your content and disappear. You need to spend some time engaging with others if you want to get your name out there and improve your visibility on the platform.
Engage With Other Users
Post interesting updates, distribute valuable content (Edgar can help!), ask questions, participate in LinkedIn Groups, and follow and chat with your favorite influencers, connections, and companies.
In other words, ENGAGE and CONTRIBUTE. This is the best thing you can do for your personal brand AND your company.
One of the best ways to increase engagement is to tag the names of people who would be interested in a post. Here’s one example from Jer’s workshop.
Of course if these approaches are not enough, you can always sponsor a post, right?