Reciting credentials is a tried and true method of building credibility. Prestigious school? Law review? Judicial clerkship? Your clients include Microsoft, Tesla and Google? By all means, recite every credential that might impress a potential client (or convince your current clients how lucky they are to have you in their employ).

Credential-flaunting can help, but there are more effective ways to promote your practice. Rather than say you know what you are talking about, prove it. Publishing a book or articles in journals your desired clients read is one of the best ways.

Over the next few weeks we’ll examine techniques that can help lawyers (and other ambitious people) to profit by publishing. One method is to start your planning at the end. What are the best publishers for you and your work product? Here ar a couple of ways to identify the potential publishers likely to provide the most benefit:

Check Google Authority Scores (for online publications).

Google uses “authority scores” to measure a website’s importance. Conrad Saam’s book has a good explanation of this. Here is a simplified version: T more important a website, the higher its authority score. Articles published in sites with high authority scores will get more exposure (due to better SEO, or Search Engine Optimization). Authority scores are computed by a number of factors. The details of Google’s algorithm are a trade secret, but it’s well known that a key factor, probably the most important factor, is the number and quality of other sites linking to the one being measured. Google used to call this score “Page Rank.” They dropped the name years ago, but still use the same concept.

The Moz Link Explorer is one way to measure site authority.

Use ChatGPT

Last year the hot topic was the “metaverse.” In his annual summary of 2023 key legal tech developments, the esteemed Dennis Kennedy admitted that early in 2023 it was his top priority for the year. He also stated that his top priority for 2024 would be AI.

The future of the metaverse is uncertain. One thing is certain: AI is all the rage, and for a good reason: If used intelligently it can provide giant benefits. Here’s one example, the prompt I gave ChatGPT 3.5 and its response. (I subscribe to version 4.0 but reserve my quota of queries for the more difficult questions):

PROMPT: Which publishers would like an article on negotiations?

Chat GPT Respsonse: If you’re looking to publish an article on negotiations, there are several publishers that specialize in business, professional development, and leadership content, which may be interested in your submission. Here are some publishers and platforms where you might consider submitting your article on negotiations:

  1. Harvard Business Review (HBR): HBR publishes articles on a wide range of business topics, including negotiation strategies and techniques. They accept submissions for their print magazine as well as their online platform.
  1. Forbes: Forbes is a well-known business publication that accepts contributed articles from subject matter experts. They often feature articles on negotiation skills, leadership, and business communication.
  2. Inc. Magazine: Inc. Magazine publishes articles aimed at entrepreneurs and small business owners. They frequently cover topics related to negotiation tactics, deal-making, and business communication.
  3. Entrepreneur: Entrepreneur magazine focuses on topics relevant to startup founders, business owners, and aspiring entrepreneurs. They may be interested in articles that offer practical advice and insights on negotiation strategies.
  4. Fast Company: Fast Company covers innovation, leadership, and business trends. They accept contributed articles from experts in various fields, including negotiation and conflict resolution.
  5. LinkedIn Publishing: LinkedIn’s publishing platform allows users to publish articles and posts on professional topics. Writing and sharing an article on negotiations can help you reach a wide audience of professionals and business leaders on the platform.
  6. Medium: Medium is a popular platform for publishing articles and essays on a wide range of topics. You can publish your article on negotiations as a standalone piece or contribute to relevant publications and collections on the platform.
  7. Training Industry: Training Industry publishes articles, research, and insights on training and development topics, including negotiation skills training. They accept submissions from industry professionals and thought leaders.
  8. Negotiation Journal: If your article is more academic or research-based, you might consider submitting it to Negotiation Journal, a peer-reviewed publication focused on the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution.
  9. Professional Associations: Consider submitting your article to professional associations related to your industry or field of expertise. Many associations publish newsletters, journals, and online content for their members and may be interested in articles on negotiation skills and strategies.

Could I do a better job than ChatGPT? Maybe. If I were willing to spend a lot of time doing so. Maybe.

Before submitting your article, be sure to review the submission guidelines and editorial requirements of each publisher or platform. Tailor your pitch or submission to fit the audience and tone of the publication, and highlight the unique insights or perspectives your article offers on negotiations.