What I really like about this LinkedIn post is that it’s a great demo of how to market expertise: Share it. Gy Tsakalakisi not tell people he is a marketing expert. He proves it. Smart lawyers like Greg Siskind have been doing this for years. Gyi shows the technique is still the best approach. Here’s the first part of the LinkedIn Post:

I’m regularly asked to share what’s working with respect to Google and legal marketing.

Here are some observations on a recent search for:

car accident lawyer near Philadelphia (from my location in Michigan).

First, notice the Google Local Services Ads listings (the three ads with pictures of the attorneys at the top of the page). They contain the ✅ GOOGLE SCREENED designation.

Notice also that two of the firms close at 5p and 6p. Hopefully, these firms are scheduling ads to run only during business hours. I can’t tell you how many times I see lawyers advertising that they’re closed!

Notice also that these ads list review scores and counts. If your Google Business Profile isn’t competitive with other advertisers in your area, you might want to reconsider allocating resources here.

You should also compare your years in business with other advertisers. While local services ads are pay-per-lead, you ought not to expect much volume if your ads aren’t competitive with respect to these ad features.

Next up are the Google Search Ads (the ads below the ads). While the first advertiser was smart to include years of experience in their ad copy, they’re serving an ad for a Michigan lawyer on a search for a Philadelphia lawyer. In my experience, this is unlikely to convert to a qualified potential client. This is a common targeting mistake.

The other Search Ads advertisers are using adjectives like “expert” and “top.” You should check with your state bar about using these types of adjectives. In many states, these are violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct that many marketers don’t know about.

[Rest of article omitted).