I can’t think of anyone who has contributed more to the advancement of legal technology than Dennis Kennedy. I’ve known and respected Dennis a long time and was privileged to collaborate with with him for several years, so it’s great to see that the American Legal Technology Awards has given him their Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dennis did not merely look good his suit that day, but touched on some worthy ideas in his acceptance speech and blog post. My favorites?
DK: Amidst all this change, one thing has remained constant: the spirit of generosity and collaboration that defines our community.
Gee, sounds like I’m not the only person to be grateful for the generosity of others working in the legal tech field! I’ve received more generosity over the past quarter century than I could every fully acknowledge.
DK: Give Back: As you progress in your career, look for opportunities to mentor others and contribute to the community. This not only helps others but also reinforces your own learning and network.
The older I get, the more I appreciate the joy of giving, especially since on balance my generosity usually nets me much more benefits than I give away.