After retiring from a career as a practicing lawyer, Jerry Lawson founded New Strategies in Legal Tech LLC and returned to writing about the best uses of legal technology. His current primary areas of interest is knowledge management for lawyers. More Information about his background is available on LinkedIn.
Knowledge Management Experience
Mr. Lawson gained extensive knowledge management experience while working at multiple federal agencies as a civil service lawyer. His knowledge management articles have appeared in Pass It On, the ABA Government and Public Lawyer Division newsletter and The Public Manager, the flagship publication of the Association for Talent Development. His new book about KM in the private sector, Knowledge Management for Law Firms: Building A Culture of Success will be published in April 2022.
Other Experience
- Speaking at major legal tech conferences, including ABA Techshow. His Techshow 2020 presentation demonstrated how law firms can use Pillar Posts to improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
- Writing The Complete Internet Handbook for Lawyers for the American Bar Association. This book received rave reviews (sample) and was credited with changing the way lawyers think about using the Internet and legal tech in general.
- Co-authoring The Internet Roundtable, an influential monthly column on marketing for lawyers.
- Winning praise for his chapters in multiple editions of the American Bar Association’s Flying Solo book series which explained how sole practitioners can benefit from technology.
- Partnering with Greg Siskind, author of The Lawyer’s Guide to Marketing on the Internet, to present CLE programs in multiple cities.
- Stimulating lawyer use of blogs through his groundbreaking 2004 article for ABA Law Practice magazine, “Blogs as a Disruptive Technology.”
- Winning a national award from Writing That Works for “Best How-To Feature Article” for his article for ATLA’s Trial Magazine, “Lawfirm.com.”
Other Interests
Mr. Lawson was a charter member of the American Bar Association’s eLawyering, group, created by ABA President Bill Paul for the purpose of helping lawyers use the Internet to provide convenient affordable legal service to middle class Americans. He retains a strong interest in promoting eLawyering.
He shares his views on a variety of issues, legal and non-legal in his Off the Clock posts here and in his personal blog, Netlawtools.
Information about Mr. Lawson’s cultural likes is available at a password-protected part of this site.