The 2024 election results make Glenn Fine’s new book Watchdogs: Inspectors General and the Battle for Honest and Accountable Government timely and essential reading. It deals with a relatively little-known group that may provide some limits on corrupt or overreaching Presidential actions in these difficult times. has my detailed review.

No doubt Trump

High emotions generated by the Israel-Hamas conflict make this a time of wild claims and counterclaims. Few subjects are timelier and more critical than the Law of Armed Conflict, (LOAC). Researching LOAC can challenge U.S. researchers and lawyers. There are no codified statutes or well-organized case law of the types familiar to most U.S. researchers

Is there such a thing as the law of war, or is the phrase an oxymoron?

The Law of War, better described as International Humanitarian Law (IHL) or Law of Armed Conflict, (LOAC) is very real, though difficult for most lawyers to understand or research. There are no codified statutes or well-organized case law of

We’ll take a break today from our usual commercial programming and go off the clock to address a timely and critical topic. I’m writing some articles on in the Israel/Hamas conflict for use in an project. The first will be an aid for researching the law of armed conflict.

Posted in our “Off the Clock” category:

Very glad to have my article Pitching the Difficult Case: Working With Prosecutors published recently at

The subject is related criminal prosecutions, an area of substantive law that I worked in at my pre-retirement “day job” working as counsel to inspectors general at multiple federal agencies.

Posted in our “Off the Clock” category:

Everybody’s got heroes, somebody who taught him things and helped them develop as a person. One of my biggest heroes was Gene Siler, a Navy veteran and conservative Republican. Richard Nixon appointed him as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky. Gerald Ford made him a