Learning to use the tools you already have is usually wiser rather than chasing the newest shiny object du jour. There are a few exceptions. I’ve found two apps particularly useful:

Grammarly. It’s not a spell checker. It’s not a grammar checker. It’s much more. Give it a try. Even lawyers need someone to

Implementing AI is challenging for professions where progress often means figuring out how to get your printer to work. Many lawyers are waiting until they have developed a perfect implementation strategy. They wind up doing nothing.

Lawyers can and should benefit from AI today rather than waiting to develop the world’s greatest policy. Until that

The American Bar Association’s Formal Opinion 512, “Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools,” gets some things right, but goes astray when considering alternative billing models like flat fees:

The factors set forth in Rule 1.5(a) also apply when evaluating the reasonableness of charges for GAI tools when the lawyer and client agree on a flat or

Stephen Embry’s article Billable Hour Tiers for Associates: Progressive or Lipstick on a Pig? has the diagnosis right:

Bloomberg Law recently reported that the venerable firm Steptoe would allow associates to choose their own billable hour targets. The program will start next year. An associate can choose to bill 2200 hours and receive top pay,