I greatly enjoyed interviewing Carole Levitt as the first installment in our “Mover and Shaker” profile series. The review is available at LLRX.com. Carole’s contributions in the form of many books and innumerable CLE programs have made her a central figure in teaching lawyers how to use the Internet, and she was a great way
Tech Tools for Improving Time Management
When I first began working primarily from home in March of 2020 due to COVID 19, I felt confident that this would be the start of the most efficient year of my life. I would have no commute, I would be able to schedule meetings (rather than have “drop-ins”), and I would have more comfort working from home and my personal workspace. Soon I realized, much to my chagrin, that my focus on a “lighter commute” missed the forest for the rees: working from home is working in a den of time thieves!
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Kevin O’Keefe: Bouncing Back After Being Fired
I’m pleased to have known Kevin O’Keefe since way back when.
He made his first big splash on the Internet with Prairielaw, an innovative website based on the concept of lawyers networking directly with consumers of legal services. Conventional legal businesses that wanted to co-opt a potentially dangerous competitor bought him out. It was just…