Carolyn Elefant is tired of talking about whether AI will change the legal profession’s practice of time-based billing. She has a better list of questions. My answers, FWIW:
Bringing You The Best Strategies From Today's Thought Leaders
Carolyn Elefant is tired of talking about whether AI will change the legal profession’s practice of time-based billing. She has a better list of questions. My answers, FWIW:
Have you observed trainers doing things like this?
Before beginning her presentation, a trainer tells the audience, “I had planned to show you this wonderful video with actors from The Office singing this song “Let’s Get Ethical,” to the tune of “Let’s Get Physical.” Unfortunately, I can’t get the DVD to work, so I can’t…
Oh, would some Power the gift give us
Robert Burns, “To A Louse” (1786)
To see ourselves as others see us!
It would from many a blunder free us,
And foolish notion:
What airs in dress and gait would leave us,
And even devotion!
Robert Burns understood the value of seeing yourself as…
State bars drafting new ethics rules to regulate AI? A fool’s errand.
State bars issuing guidance on how AI use fits into the existing regulatory framework? Sublime wisdom.
The Virginia State Bar leads the way:
…By now it’s well known that lawyers must pay attention to “the benefits and
Did law librarians lead the way to internet adoption by lawyers? I can’t think of any group that provided more valuable help.
Will law librarians lead the way in law firm adoption of AI? Yes, if leaders like Sarah Gotschall have anything to say about it.
Check out her “Legal Research Prompting Guide and Generative…
Would Fred Astaire’s scintillating dance moves have looked as good if he had abandoned his usual suave wardrobe in favor of clothes that made him look like one of the irredeemable low-life characters represented in A Hillbilly Elegy?
We’ll never know, but there is one thing we do know: The best substantive presentation material…
Would Fred Astaire’s scintillating dance moves have looked as good if he had abandoned his usual suave wardrobe in favor of clothes that made him look like one of the irredeemable low-life characters represented in A Hillbilly Elegy?
We’ll never know, but there is one thing we do know: The best substantive presentation material…
Blogging Godfather Kevin O’Keefe has some thoughts on using RSS feeds to promote law firms. Twenty years ago I used to tell everyone that an RSS feed was an absolutely essential part of any law firm’s web presence. I’m not as sure of this now. I agree with Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell that the…
Thomas G. Martin has what journalists call a major “get” with his podcast interview of one of the smartest and most high-achieving people I have ever met, Carolyn Elefant. I don’t know how one person can accomplish so much.
She bills herself on Twitter/X as an “attorney, author, blogger and innovation advisor.” She’s better…
Old fashioned transparencies, often referred to as overheads, worked much better as dark text on a light, preferably white background. Modern computer slide show projectors use a different technology. With slides, light colored text works best against a dark background.
What background color is best? Some authorities suggest trying to match colors to the emotional…